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Concert Band Ensembles

Concert Band Ensembles

Please click here to access and download the audition packets for Concert Band

Winds-Winter 12-14-04 73Thousand Oaks High School Instrumental Music Department features three concert performance ensembles: Wind Ensemble Honors, Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band. Placement into these ensembles is determined by audition.
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Wind Ensemble Honors

The Wind Ensemble is the premier performance concert band at Thousand Oaks High School. Members of this exclusive group study and perform the most advanced literature available for band.  Designed for advanced students, band members must audition during late Spring each year for acceptance into this select ensemble.

concert filmstrip

Instrumentation in this ensemble is usually one per part and students are seated by performance ability. The top chair in each section is the principal player and earns the responsibility to organize the needs of their perspective section. The principal player also is the soloist for any given solo that is required for the ensemble as determined by the director.

Wind Ensemble section members are ranked by audition and may challenge the player in the next chair through the challenge process.

During their spring season, the Wind Ensemble participates in the district band festival hosted by TOHS.  The ensemble also participates in festivals scheduled by the director, in which this elite group has consistently earned "Superior" ratings at the festival.

Non Marching Band Members of this ensemble will participate in the stands at home football games.


Wind Symphony

The Wind Symphony is designated for experienced student musicians who wish to improve their skills by studying and performing challenging musical repertoire. As their musical abilities mature through study and practice in the Wind Symphony, many of these student musicians will move on to become members of the Wind Ensemble.

Because of the high level of musical skill required, band members must audition during late spring each year for acceptance into this select ensemble.

Instrumentalists in the Wind Symphony are organized by section, with each group having a section leader called the principal player. Section members are ranked by audition and may challenge the player in the next chair through the challenge process.

During their spring season, the Wind Symphony participates in the district band festival hosted by TOHS and any other festival scheduled by the director. This ensemble has consistently earned "Superior" ratings at the festival.

Non Marching Band Members of this ensemble will participate in the stands at home football games.


Symphonic Band

The Symphonic Band is designed for novice and intermediate student musicians who wish to extend their training by studying and performing an appropriately challenging musical repertoire. As their musical abilities mature through study and practice in the Symphonic Band, many of these student musicians will move on to become members of the Wind Symphony and Wind Ensemble. 

Band members must audition during late spring each year for acceptance into this select ensemble.

Instrumentalists in the Symphonic Band are organized by section, with each group having a section leader called the principal player. Section members are ranked by audition and may challenge the player in the next chair through the challenge process.

During their spring season, the Symphonic Band participates in the district band festival hosted by TOHS and any other festival scheduled by the director.

Non Marching Band Members of this ensemble will participate in the stands at home football games.

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Band Contact Information

Band Director:
James Rumenapp
805-495-7491 ext 2002

Band Office Manager:
Matthew Ray
805-495-7491 ext 6002

Thousand Oaks High School

2323 N Moorpark Road
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Phone: 805-495-7491

TOHS Web Site

Band Booster Contacts

Julie Lewis

VP Band:
Elissa Francis

VP Color Guard:
Kelly McEntee

VP Drumline:
Dan Aguilar

VP Jazz Bands:
Jennifer Maples

Equipment Crew Directors:
Dan Aguilar