Lancer Band Booster 2019-20
The Lancer Band Boosters is made up of volunteers. There are so many booster volunteers that help to make the band program amazing! This year we will spot light some of our exceptional volunteers and say thank you for being so dedicated and for helping to make all of our children's band education so spectacular!
February2020 |
Eric TischhauserOne outstanding equipment crew member is Eric Tischhauser, our February Hall of Fame volunteer. Since the first day he started volunteering in 2013, Eric has contributed so much time and energy to the success of the Band program. He has always been reliable and a joy to work with! Many of us are nervous and reluctant to drive the trailers to our events. Not Eric! He has been there for every event without fail. He is our “go to” person to move the behemoth of a trailer—our Uniform trailer—to and from the Band Room area. He has been one of our most heavily relied upon truck drivers for both Marching Band and Drumline competitions. Eric has always approached the tasks from a team perspective, often seeing the big picture and suggesting changes and actions accordingly to help us remain on schedule when we have periodically drifted on timing. We would like to thank Eric for the immense amount of time and energy he has contributed to the Thousand Oaks High School Music Program and to the Equipment Crews sanity or insanity. |
January2020 |
Noel and Sambath RamsicalOur March Hall of Fame is awarded to Noel and Sambath Ramsical! For 6 years now they have donated time helping with various jobs, precious time as they own and run Donut Depot in Thousand Oaks, which takes countless hours. Noel and Sambath have gone above and beyond with being the provider of many, many, many delicious donuts! Anytime the band provided a meal, dozens of donuts were provided for dessert. This included donuts for the band banquets and, I believe, the bake sale at every event. I know the kids (and parents) look for the donuts as they are definitely a favorite dessert! Thank you so much for all you do to help make this band program amazing! |
December2019 |
Kathy KotinDecember is known for holiday lights, parties, and lots and lots of events. Band holds its winter concert, gets started for drum line and winter guard, and Caroling! Caroling is a great event and community fundraiser where more than 170 kids in the music program are divided into groups, travel to various areas of our community where they then go door to door. It's an event that enriches both our community and the band students, and provides funds for the Band's ASB (student-managed) account. Kathy Kotin is our December Hall of Fame recipient for taking this coordination nightmare on and doing so during the busiest time of the year! This event has become more and more difficult as a result of restrictions in driving students. Kathy identified locations that would provide good and safe meeting points for 30 groups of students. She also created a method for the parents to know which group their kids were in and to volunteer for that group and managed it like a pro. After frantic efforts to ensure all groups were covered and everything was in place, the first Friday ended up getting rained out! Kathy was not at all discouraged and helped to make sure all were notified. The following Friday she was called out of town, yet still managed to ensure all was ready to go! Caroling went off amazingly well, especially considering this was the first time this approach was attempted! Thank you Kathy for all you did to make Caroling such a success! We thank you and I'm sure many in our community thank you as well!
November2019 |
Dana AdamsonNovember had our big Dinner Dance and Silent Auction event. Normally this event is held in February. This year it was moved up, and with only two months to pull it off, Dana Adamson volunteered to take it on! With that tight deadline, Dana not only found a new venue, but put together and distributed numerous publicity materials. Dana, with help from Deanna Burt, tirelessly hunted down more than 40 auction and raffle items. What a huge effort! What a great fundraiser! What Dana accomplished was amazing and ended with an equally amazing, flawless evening of great music, dinner, dancing and fun! Thank you Dana!!
October2019 |
Robin CessnaFor those who have seen one of the marching band shows, you'll likely agree our kids look awfully sharp dressed in their apparent tuxes. How is it their band uniform looks like a tux, you might ask? We took off the green overlay off and replaced it with an overlay that looks like the shirt, tie and collar of a tux. Can you buy these? No. Our own Robin Cessna designed the overlay, made the prototype, made adjustments, calculated the materials needed, ordered the materials and then proceeded to make more than 100 overlays in different sizes! She took care of it all and in record time! Thank you so much Robin! We are amazed, in awe and are very grateful for all you did and do for the band and our kids!!
September 2019 |
Eugene DuryIn every project of this magnitude, there is often an individual whose creativity and ingenuity far surpasses that of the team that he or she is a part of. This person also does so much in the background that has such a massive impact on the success of this project, yet does not get a lot of notoriety. This individual I am referring to is Eugene Dury. Eugene has contributed so much to the success of the Top Hat Props. Although many of have contributed ideas on the design of the Top Hats, Eugene has taken our ideas, created the infrastructure design of the Top Hats such that there is a great deal of safety for our children and impact for our staff. This year as well as in years past, he has contributed countless hours of cutting, welding and hammering at his own house to prepare EMT uprights and plates so that we can focus on the woodworking of bases and tops on our Saturday work days. In addition to working on the EMT nearly every night of the week by himself for the past several weeks, he continues to contribute at least 6-8 hours almost every single Saturday since early June. His remarkable sense of humor keeps us all from losing our sanity. Often, without any warning, he will throw out a one liner in reference to something we are working on and totally break the stress of the moment. We would like to thank you, Eugene, for the immense amount of time, energy and skill you have contributed to the Thousand Oaks High School Marching Band and to the Equipment Crew’s sanity!