Concert Bands
TOHS boasts three concert bands: Wind Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band. Students participate in concerts, festivals plus the All District Band Festival.
Come support the TOHS Lancer Band Sprint See's Candy Fundraiser!
All orders are completed online and shipped directly to your home or business. No forms! No collecting money!
Each order helps us reach our fundraising goals so spread the word by provising the link to your family and friends.
Use the QR code below to ship and support our fantastic band!
Dear Band Families,
Current TOHS Band Students will be auditioned in their schedule band class during theCurrent TOHS Band Students will be auditioned in their schedule band class during theweek of April 28th – May 2nd.
A tentative schedule for YOUR AUDITION TIME will be posted in the “body” of the calendarevent “Placement Audition Schedule” found on our website calendar (May 2nd AuditionEvent) This schedule will be updated throughout the month of April. The final posting will be updated on Wednesday, April 30th. Please be sure to check your time after April 30th.
Look for your assigned audition time. If you do not see your name on this list or a correction is needed, please contact Mr. Ray before April 18th in the band office at 495-7491, x 6002, or email Mr. Ray at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. you miss your audition: Wind Musicians: You will be enrolled as a member of the Symphonic Band. Percussionists: You will be enrolled in the Percussion Symphonic Band.
Please click here to access and download the audition packets.
Lancer Band students are provided an encouraging environment in which they can mature their art and develop leadership skills.
The Thousand Oaks High School Lancer Music Department is a collaboration of outstanding students, parents and instructors all striving to achieve program excellence. Lancer Band students join a team, focused on the thrill of performance, self-sacrifice for the good of the group and the fun and success that comes from planning and hard work. |
Band Director:
James Rumenapp
805-495-7491 ext 2002
Band Office Manager:
Matthew Ray
805-495-7491 ext 6002
Julie Lewis
VP Band:
Elissa Francis
VP Color Guard:
Kelly McEntee
VP Drumline:
Dan Aguilar
VP Jazz Bands:
Jennifer Maples
Equipment Crew Directors:
Dan Aguilar