Development Tools
This site is constructed using the following development tools:
Most pages on this site have been developed using Adobe GoLive web design software and other
Adobe products.
HTML editor from
[ CoffeeCup - HTML Editor]
FileZilla FTP Client is a useful multi-platform tool for FTP file transfer maintainded by the FileZilla Project.
Get FileZilla software at
Development Consultants
Developing a full website using cascading style sheets (CSS) and XHTML Strict conventions was really hard, especially considering I had no experience in either construct before. I didn't do it alone. I got help. Lots of it. Since I couldn't have gotten this done without them, I want to mention them here.
Paul O'brien has helped me every step of the way. It's his fault that this site is XHTML strict to begin with. Paul has solved many of by initial development problems, has been a coach, and has had the style to deal with this web development neophyte in a very cordial manner. I'm happy to have not worn out my welcome with him because he is so patient. Paul has lots of templates and CSS aids on his site. See Paul O'brien Web Design Services.
Dave Shea maintains many notable websites and has also been very helpful. Dave maintains a continuously growing compendium of CSS inspired designs at CSS Zen Garden. Dave's personal website also contains a wealth of links.
The people at Maxdesign have been very helpful. The menu template used on this site was based on one of their samples.
Douglas Bowman has also been an inspiration and a guide. In addition to providing help and advice, his site also has a great resource.
A basic CSS tutorial that is very good can be found at You will find HTML, CSS and javascript tutorials.
Finally, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) maintains standards, tutorials and guides on HTML, XHTML, CSS and many other topics. Also check out for excellent reference materials.