Welcome to the Lancer Band Bulletin Board
This bulletin board is intended to serve as a means for our band family to share information and experiences on subjects related to the Lancer Band, music performance and music in general. Please be aware that as this board is dedicated to the Lancer Band, its students, staff and their extended families. We expect all participants to engage in civil discussions and to stay on-topic. Posts that are totally off-topic (politics, religion, sports, etc.) will be removed as will posts which are considered to inflammatory. This is a moderated message board.
We have created bulletin board rules and guidelines to keep this an enjoyable environment for us all. Violations of these guidelines will result in your removal from this message board. Our most important rules are listed below:
- No flaming, harassing, profanity, abusive language or abbreviations, personal attacks, racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual slurs. This applies to both "public" threads and "private" messages. Do not link out from a post or private message to these types of content.
- Respect the opinions of others. Often times arguments can't be won. So if you have a contrasting opinion, please state it simply and clearly. If necessary, agree to disagree with others who may have differing opinions. When discussions turn to long, hostile arguments, the thread will be closed or removed.
Additional Rules are posted in the administrative portion of this message board. Please adhere to all rules at all times.
Finally, while we respect the privacy of everyone who posts on this site. You are not anonymous. You must register with this sites bulletin boar before you are allowed to post on this site.